Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ady Video - Sleepy Girl

More Pics - Grandma Stoltz came to visit!!

I'm really tired

More pictures!

I want to crawl...I really do...

Mommy's little plumber!

Grandma Stoltz is teaching me to read:)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Video of Ady & Boots

More pics at home:)

I love it when my Krystal comes to visit!

Allen's come to visit

We're playing yahtzee
Zach's winning
Lukee plays cars
Aren't we cute!
Cuddle bugs
Having fun with Uncle Jeff

I can't wait till I can raise the boys!

More pics at home

Mmmm...biter biscuits

Love my toy!

So sweet

Fun in the first pool:)

Mommy says I'm smart cuz I figured out how to stop that thing that was spraying water in my face