Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Fun

Heading out to the water park

Look KiKi....slides:)

The girls had sooo much fun running through the water

Zach's Baseball Game

Chase me up the hill Daddy...

Now catch me Daddy!
Ady did this almost the entire game:)

Zach playing first

Yep, he's a lefty:)


Ady takes her 1st trip to the zoo with her friends McKinley & Caleb

McKinley & Caleb got poney rides....Ady, not so much...she didn't want to:)

Look Mommy, an elephant!.
Ady especially loved the big animals. She liked the small ones too, but they
were a little harder to find.

Ohhhhh a giraffe


My newest hiding spot

Way to smart already

Step 1: Move the Step to the door

Step 2: Unlock the door
Step 3: Open the door

Some weekend fun