Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July Vacation!

In July we ventured up to Minnesota, with a quick stop in Iowa, to visit family & friends. It was AMAZING:). We had so much fun & it was great to be surrounded by people we love. The majority of our time was spent in Park Rapids MN on the lake. It was very relaxing & I can't wait to go back next year:).

July 4th

What a GREAT 4th of July!! Surrounded by fabulous family plus Connor & Angelica got engaged! So happy for them!!!! :)

"Yes"...she said "Yes" - she's gunna be a Stoltz:)

Love this picture! Daddy showing Ady the view:)

On a walk with Grandma Terri

Pretending to drive the boat


On the lake

Ady LOVED riding on the boat!

Look at that face....hilarious!!

Connor & Angelica keeping Ady entertained

Fun with Grandma Terri

Connor & Angelica

Flying with Uncle Connor:)

Got super close to the birdies

Grandpa even let Ady drive:)

Daddy showing Ady the pretty birdies

Beth, Abby & Terri on the dock

Al Sr soaking up the sun

Mike & Paul ready for the boat ride

Tubing time!

You can't go to the lake & not go tubing! :)

Go daddy!

Go Uncle Connor!

Angelica's turn:)

Even Beth & Abby had a turn!

More fun

Ady was singing "Row row row your boat"!!

Angelica & Connor head out into the water

Mississippi Headwaters

Would you believe me if I told you we walked across the Missippi? Well, we did:). We went to the Mississippi Headwaters in MN & it was beautiful.

Love this picture!

Beth, Mike, Paul & Abby crossing the Mississippi

On the run!!

Ady & Abby:)

Beth & Abby :)

Grandma Terri with Ady

Too cute! The soon to be Mr & Mrs Stoltz:)

How cute is that!?!

Hugs for Uncle Connor

Someone is being shy :)

Mother & it:)

Angelica & Connor

Time to play with Al Jr.

"Higher Mommy!"

Stoltz's!!!!! Yay!

That tree was HUGE