Thursday, September 2, 2010

Safari Zoo

The last stop on our vacation was the Natural Bridge Wildlife Zoo. It was a drive-thru zoo. The animals could come right up to the car!! It was really cool...but some of the animals scared Ady!

Ady LOVED this animal...she licked her hand:)

Ady was terrified of the zebras...I think they got to close for her comfort:)

His entire head came into our car!!!

Petting the baby goat

The Children's Museum - on Jess's Birthday:)

We went into San Antonio for Jess's 29th birthday & visited the Children's Museum...exactly what he wanted to do for his special day ;)

The bubble room!!

That is one BIG bubble!

Hunting for artifacts

We used to have a small one of these when I was younger...I loved them!

Daddy & Ady's face!

3 faces of Ady!

Grocery shopping


Ady driving the plane

The magnet table

Ending out the day snuggling in bed with Daddy & watching a movie :)

Sea World San Antonio :)

Last weekend we took a mini-vacation to San Antonio! We had SOOOO much fun. Our first stop...Sea World of course:)

We got to feed & pet the dolphins!!

Daddy & Ady ready for the show "Azul"

Time to play

Shamu!!! The show "Believe"

Pirate 4D :)

& of course a couple of rides:)

The 2nd day at Sea World we did all of the water stuff...we had a lot of fun, but unfortunately I didn't take my camera because I didn't want to get it wet.