Thursday, May 5, 2011

Twins - 21 weeks

All the ladies:) - Mommy, Ady & Twin baby girls!

Project with Papa

Helping Papa put together her new nightstand:)

Easter Sunday

Found her Easter Basket:)

Looking for eggs around the house

Swimming with Luke & Zach!

Easter Party

Ady wanted to have her face painted like a pink tiger:)

Ady & the Easter Bunny

Looking for eggs

Waiting to get her candy

Ady had sooo much fun with Grandma Terri

Time for games

Easter Egg Hunt at the Park

Petting Zoo :)

Kiki's princess party

Ady getting all dolled up:)

Ady the princess!

The birthday girl :)

The girls doing crafts

Time to sing!

And dance!


Ady & Daddy @ JFK site

Ady laying down with Daddy on the couch:)

Riding my trike