Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Denny & Finley come to visit!!!!!

Uncle Denny & Finley came to Texas for a mini-vacation! We all had soooo much fun. We went to the aquarium, the mall, the zoo & spend LOTS of time playing:)! It was so great to spend time with them...we miss them both already!

First Stop - The Aquarium

I don't think the girls could be any cuter!

Sloth sleeping:)

Ady spots the alligators

The girls are looking at a snake...yuck!

Fin gives her Daddy a BIG kiss:)

Those sea animals are HUGE!

Check out that manatee!

Ady Loved looking at all the sea animals

So cool!

What does an owl say? :)


Ady checking out the penguins

The mall :)

The girls loved riding the carousel...

and the mechanical horse...

and of course the train!

Fun at home

Say cheese - Ady, Denny & Finley

Finley - such a cuddle bug :)

The girls painting their Build-A-Bear boxes

Too cute!


We had so much fun at the Fort Worth Zoo. The girls had so much fun!

Ady looking at the fishies

The girls looking at the turtle

The girls looking at the crocodile

LOVE this picture

Daddy gives Ady the best view :)

strike a pose girls!

Fin...gotta love that girl:)

Ady was a little scared of the big gorilla

Finley - not so much! Spanking the gorilla...lol;)

The girls got to pet the chicken

The men push the girls!

I LOVE this picture!

One big snake!