Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Denny & Finley come to visit!!!!!

Uncle Denny & Finley came to Texas for a mini-vacation! We all had soooo much fun. We went to the aquarium, the mall, the zoo & spend LOTS of time playing:)! It was so great to spend time with them...we miss them both already!

First Stop - The Aquarium

I don't think the girls could be any cuter!

Sloth sleeping:)

Ady spots the alligators

The girls are looking at a snake...yuck!

Fin gives her Daddy a BIG kiss:)

Those sea animals are HUGE!

Check out that manatee!

Ady Loved looking at all the sea animals

So cool!

What does an owl say? :)


Ady checking out the penguins

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